First Responder Outreach Grant: Four Communities Volunteer Fire Department
Central Florida Chapter

First Responder Outreach Grant: Four Communities Volunteer Fire Department

Four Communities VFD

In 2021, the Four Communities Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) in Cocoa, Florida applied for a grant for much-needed protective gear. Last week, Four Communities VFD received and outfitted 10 firefighters with structural personal protective equipment funded through GSF’s First Responder Outreach program.

Four Communities VFD 2

Four Communities VFD services the unincorporated area between the cities of Cocoa
and Titusville, Florida. The original “Four Communities” were Williams Point,
Canaveral Groves, Frontenac, and Port St. John, Florida.

From Volunteer Fire Chief Brian Claudius “I would like to thank the foundation for believing in and supporting our all-Volunteer Fire Department.  It means more than I can convey. This gear will continue to make a difference for our Firefighters for many years to come. The Gary Sinise Foundation really made a difference for our Department and the community we serve.”