Garrett Jones

Garrett Jones

Garrett Jones was born and raised in Newberg, Oregon. Inspired by the events of 9/11, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 2005. Once he completed his boot camp and training, he was deployed to Iraq. On July 23, 2007, two weeks before Garrett was scheduled to return home, he stepped on an improvised explosive device (IED). His left leg was completely mangled and eventually amputated. He lost both eardrums, suffered a grade 3 concussion, and was left with severe shrapnel wounds throughout his body.

After enduring over 20 surgeries, Garrett became the first U.S. service member to redeploy into combat as an amputee within a year of his original injury. Today, Garrett has successfully transitioned from active-duty warrior to a decorated member within the Intelligence Community, and has held several high-profile positions. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Health, a Master’s Degree in Strategic Intelligence, and has several advanced certifications specific to Intelligence.

In his effort to help fellow wounded servicemen and veterans, Garrett mentors this cadre as they pursue their educational and professional goals. Garrett works through the Intelligence Community to provide internships for other wounded, ill and injured service members; where they acquire new skills, build newfound confidence, and gain job placement to begin careers within the Intelligence Community apparatus.

“As a beneficiary of one of the GSF specially adapted smart homes, I gained a new independence I forgot that I had lost. My home has benefited my health, as well as my personal and professional life by having a house that gives me freedom. There are many organizations that support our wounded, ill and injured, but few are blue chip organizations, where impact is the number one mission. GSF is one of them; it is a pure honor to play a small role helping my fellow warrior gain the independence they have sacrificed.”

— Garrett Jones