Linda Velasco was educated in Connecticut and graduated with a degree in music. In Connecticut, she was a sales manager for Physicians Health Services, one of the Largest state HMO’s in the late 1980s. In Canton, Ohio in the 1990s, Linda started a home-based gourmet business whose success resulted in the expansion to Minnesota where her gift baskets were stocked at one of the largest specialty stores in the Twin Cities.
Through the years, Linda has been a tremendous supporter of community volunteer efforts. She has donated her time to many non-profit organizations including March of Dimes, Junior Achievement, the Salvation Army’s Christmas Toy Program and Neighborhood House of St. Paul which provides basic needs, education, and youth services to ethnically diverse communities.
One of Linda’s greatest personal heroes was her dad, “Slim,” a WWII veteran who served in the 234th MP’s and was one of General Eisenhower’s bodyguards in the European Theatre. She planned many of the annual WWII reunions of this group including San Antonio, Washington, Myrtle Beach, and Minneapolis which left an indelible impression on her.
Linda recently published her first children’s book entitled, “The Wonderful World of Boo Boo,” a story which was inspired by her little dog. All proceeds from book sales will be donated to Gary Sinise Foundation Snowball Express to benefit children of fallen military heroes.